Welcome, future partners.

Our server seeks to collaborate with content creators who share our passion and vision. Our goal is to inspire and entertain our community while encouraging each player to express their full potential and enjoy authentic and enriching experiences.


Community Exposure

Gain exposure within our vibrant community and increase your reach.


Creator Code

Receive a unique creator code to share with your audience and earn money.


Special Rank

Earn a special rank that recognizes your contributions and partnership.


Cosmetics Creation

Create personalized cosmetics with our team tailored to your brand and earn money.

ActivityBe active: Create content about Minebox at least once a month. Having a history of Minebox content is a plus.
EngagementWe review each application based on engagement and community, ideally a community with a minimum of 1000 followers/subscribers.
Creator Code*Receive a unique creator code to share with your audience and earn money. Payouts are available once you reach a minimum of $100.
Special TagReceive exclusive in-game and Discord tags to distinguish you as a partner.
Community ExposureGain significant exposure within our vibrant community and enhance your reach to a broader audience.
Cosmetics Creation*Collaborate with our team to create personalized cosmetics tailored to your brand. Earn 25% of the sales revenue from your cosmetics.
* The benefits are accessible only to creators who meet certain community thresholds and are reserved for larger creators.